At Chemist Warehouse if you find a cheaper price on the exact same item at another New Zealand Registered Pharmacy or New Zealand Retailer with a physical store in NZ we will match it and give you 10% off the difference.
The price matching policy is limited to retail quantities only, being three of each product per transaction. Please note that some products may have a lower purchase limit (for example scheduled medicines); product purchase limits will override the price match quantity limits.
Exact same item means exact same product with the same packaging.
In Store:
If you would like to price match in store, please bring a catalogue from the other retailer containing valid proof of their price. The discount will take place during the time you purchase the product in store and our staff may choose to contact the competitor to verify their price before granting the price match.
If you would like to price match online, please send us a direct link of the product on the competitors’ website it is being advertised on and your order number. Please note we require notification of your price match request within 24 hours of placing an order with us.
You will need to pay for your order in full, and after your price match has been approved you will receive a refund for the matched price. Please note that to qualify for free shipping, your order total must be at least $50 after the price match has been applied.
Our price matching policy excludes international orders and offers that are exclusively online. This policy cannot be applied to products at the other company if they are:
- • out of stock
- • short dated
- • on clearance or discontinued
- • a part of a promotional offer e.g. buy one get one free or 2 for $10
Please note that we are unable to process a price match using our Click & Collect service. If you would like for items in your Click & Collect order to be price matched, our staff in store can refund the Click & Collect order and process the items through the register.
Unfortunately, we are unable to process a price match for purchases made through Fast Delivery.
**Chemist Warehouse reserves the right to deny any price matching claims if they do not meet the above criteria.**